2 + 2 = 4.
That will never change. It was the same in 3000 BC as it now. Until the end of time, 2+2 will always equal 4.
Everything else, is fair game.
Law, medicine, and the only other highly regarded practices will remain with their fundamentals, but technology will change their practices. Innovation will be a continuum, but the fundamentals will always remain the same.
Business - as a society - has reached its all time low. It's 2009, we are in the greatest recession of all time. Pre-World War II, we had technology, but it never reached Ground Zero like it did during 2008-2009. And the fact of the matter, in 2009, we should have known better. We should have forecasted better. We saw the computer age before the 1929 recession saw it - we should have known something. But we didn't.
This is the time for innovation.
Business models have succeeded for years. Various business models. Pyramid schemes, corporate America, small business America, "sell a useful product, people will buy" mentality IS OVER.
Times have hit rock bottom. Digital is the wave of the future. The recession has made America weary of everything. Digital has made America immune to the messagings of the past.
It's done. Start over.
The modern day consumer is weary. He/She hates you. He/She doesn't want to be sold anything. He/She thinks that you are the corporate villain. You made this happen with your "big business" model that will trickle down to the common man.
You had no big idea. There was no palatte. There was no following. There was no traffic.
And if there was - modify it. Now.
2009- starts fresh. New minds. New ideas.
Ideas of the past, are that. Ideas of the past. And we see what they have produced. This mess.
Move past recession and depression and economic gloom and doom. Constantly change. Constantly innovate. Let the minds of the future roam.
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