Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who's Going to Hire Jim Chukalas?

Maybe it's because my ears perk up when I hear a Greek surname on television, or the name of my company coming from Jim Chukalas's mouth on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on July 20, 2010- either way, I'm curious and will be watching which company hires this man.

(photo courtesy of the Associated Press)

Jim Chukalas of Fredon Township, NJ, worked as a parts manager for a Honda dealership for the majority of his professional career. On July 19, he stood beside President Barack Obama in the White House Rose Garden, along with two other ordinary citizens, while the President made his case for an extension of unemployment benefits to Congress.

The next day Chukalas was a guest on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC.

He explained that in September 2008, a New Jersey Honda dealership chose to eliminate Chukalas's position. Jokingly, Lawrence O'Donnel, standing in for Keith Olbermann, stated that it would probably have been a more positive experience for Chukalas to have made his television debut "as parts manager of the year" instead of a face of one of millions of out-of-work Americans for the July 20, 2010 airing of the pundit progam.

In the interview with O'Donnel, according to Chukalas, major job-search sites have suggested that he transition from parts manager to a more lucrative industry outside of automobiles - a position in logistics, purchasing or warehouse management. Transitioning from inventory management after 21 years of automotive experience into another industry, according to Chukalas, is not the easiest thing in the world.

Whether quipping or in sincerity, Lawrence O'Donnel, suggested that Chukalas talk to MSNBC's human resource department at the end of the interview. Assuming that MSNBC doesn't see the PR value in hiring Chukalas - a man that stood next to the President the day before - a company soon will.

Whatever Chukalas does decide to do, the company that chooses to bring this man on, can really play their cards right and use the move for excellent public relations.

Tell them Venetta sent you.

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